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Randy Dunlop Photographs has a great deal of experience when it comes to wedding photography. Situated near London, Ontario, we offer unique, personalized wedding and portrait photography packages.
Dog Training Gear & Supplies: Wireless Dog Fences, Bark Collars, Training Collars, Pet Doors & Agility - Tri-Tronics, SportDOG, PetSafe & Dogtra. 100% CDN$ - Since 1997
This website will give some insight on how to help your pet with behavioral problems, or if your pet is sick and need to know what home remedies can help. This is all for our other "children" that we love and take care of.
Menjual / pembuat Mesin Penetas Telor (mesin tetas telor / incubators)tipe manual, semi otomatis, otomatis dan digital. Untuk menetaskan telor ayam, bebek, unggas, burung unta, ular dan reptil, itik dengan hasil tetas baik. Produk incubator (mesin tetas) inovasi Glorybators terbaru ini, dikhususkan untuk penetasan telor bebek dengan presisi tinggi di kontrol kelembaban dengan menggunakan mist-maker dengan kombinasi kontrol digital Hygrostat, dan untuk sistem pendinginannya digunakan closed-ci
We are Aquatic Supplies Wales, Swansea's newest aquatic store. We stock a diverse range of products to cater for your every aquarium need. We frequently keep rare, unusual and visually stunning fish, corals and other aquatic life. We supply all elements for the fishkeeper, from tanks and decorations to livestock. Our warm and friendly staff are ready to assist with any need or request. We also perform tank and system maintenance. Call in store for more details.
Hydrotherapy for dogs, swimming,Electromagnetic Therapy
At Südenblick we strive to produce beautiful looks as well as workability with few health problems. In order for our chances to be better we focus on East German lines (DDR). We do not breed for extremes, we want an all around German shepherd that has a wonderful temperament and will succeed in the field doing herding, military, schutzhund, Protection (PPD), agility as well as being a wonderful home companion. All our puppies come from high quality bloodlines and will have strong nerves, big bon
La óptica de Provizion vende un accesorio portable de la cámara para la fotografía y el vídeo del fondo. Permite que las imágenes sean enviadas dondequiera vía la transmisión o el email viva. Puede ser tomada dondequiera y ser utilizada dondequiera en seres humanos y animales. Excelente para la investigación de la diabetes, las clínicas de reposo, la medicina rural, las granjas, las prácticas veterinarias, las salas de urgencias, la pediatría, el etc. Es incluso funcionando en espacio a bordo la
* Pansiyon hizmetimiz vardır * 40 TL üzeri siparişlerde adrese teslim hizmetimiz ücretsizdir * Köpek ve kedi dostlarımızı aşılı ve karneli olarak teslim ediyoruz. * Dostlarımızın aşı ve kontrolleri veteriner hekimimiz tarafından yapılmaktadır. * Kedi, köpek, akvaryum balıkları, papağan ve kuş çeşitleri, yılan, iguana, bukalemun, tavşan, kurbağa, kaplumbağa ve diğer pet çeşitleri ile hizmetinizde... * Missy Pet Shop kampanyaları ile her zaman kazançlısınız.