Asheville Dental is a dental practice in Asheville, NC. The dentists at Asheville Dental are Dr. Christopher Kennerly, DDS and Dr. Jeremy Ledford, DMD. We are a general practice that specializes in cosmetic dentistry, implant dentistry, sleep dentistry, and sedation dentistry. We are continually striving to provide the highest quality dental care to our patients.
The Forest Floor - Flooring with a small footprint. We specialize in producing local, oak hardwood flooring for Missouri. We sustainably harvest trees using a team of mules in the Missouri Ozarks.
Planning a visit to the sunny and beautiful Kelowna BC in the Okanagan Valley? Wel before you book that next kelowna hotel, or plan a dinner to a Restaurant in Kelowna check us out first. Great reviews, news and job postings on Kelowna as well.
Energy auditors visit residential buildings and talk to owners and residents. They inspect, test, and measure to decide what energy-efficient retrofits are practical and cost-effective. Specific purposes of an energy audit are to: •Identify the type, size, condition, and rate of energy consumption for each major energy-using device. •Recommend appropriate energy conservation, operation, and maintenance procedures. •Estimate labor and materials costs for energy retrofits.
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Kirk Wood Products, Inc. is a family-owned and operated business in Central Illinois which specializes in wooden pallets for shipping use, as well as recycling and remanufacturing used pallets. We also produce safe, quality animal bedding for horses and other livestock; and sell a full catalog of equipment geared towards the shipping industry.
Dawson Recycling and Disposal, Inc. has been servicing the recycling and disposal needs of Corpus Christi, Portland, Aransas Pass, Ingleside, Rockport, Kingsville, Alice, Sinton, and Taft, for over 15 years. Industrial and Commercial Accounts Welcome Dawson Is a locally owned and operated company located in Gregory, Texas. We offer prompt and dependable service.
Massivemedia is a street level media and marketing vendor vendor with a broad depth of creative resources and national capabilities. Massivemedia company’s services have expanded to included National Field Marketing, Street Marketing, Guerrilla Advertising, and many other Non-Traditional advertising campaigns. We are able to execute a comprehensive mix of outdoor advertising programs in any market, anytime! We specialize in Projection Advertising, where we produce giant wall spectaculars of mov
VOZ heeft in 2006 voor het eerst met de deelraadsverkiezingen meegedaan en daarbij in het voormalig stadsdeel Oud-Zuid één zetel gehaald. Vorig jaar werden de voormalige stadsdelen Oud-Zuid en Zuideramstel samengevoegd tot stadsdeel Zuid. Op 3 maart 2010 werden de deelraadsverkiezingen gehouden en VOZ haalde ook in het gefuseerde stadsdeel weer één zetel. Met VOZ in de raad staan wij voor u paraat. Wij werken vanuit het principe dat politiek onafhankelijk hoort te zijn zonder persoonlijke of pol
We are a Bible-Believing church that believes in worship and trusting in our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope you will feel the presence of the Lord and that He will meet each and every need you have! Reaching people for Christ Loving them where they are Helping them get to where they need to be in Christ